What we are calling for:

Re-Imagine Main Street

We demand that City Council recognize the dangers of the current design and re-imagine a Main Street that is safe for all users.

Re-Work Main Street

We demand an immediate temporary re-work of the lanes on Main Street in order to calm traffic this year.

Re-Build Main Street

We demand a long term re-build of Main Street as a calmed, complete, humane two-way street that all users feel safe on.

What Could This Look Like?

Step One - Use semi-permanent barriers and paint to immediately close unnecessary additional lanes that abut the sidewalks, creating a barrier of space between active car lanes and pedestrians, adding a painted bus-only lane to bring the total number of through lanes down to two.

At intersections, left and right turn lanes can be created in the buffer zone in order to maintain traffic flow in the two through lanes. For example:

Step Two - Initiate the process for a permanent reversion of Main street back to a two way street, with space for bike lanes, parking and transit lanes.

The target for completion should be in advance of LRT construction on King Street, allowing Main to provide a much needed link between West Hamilton and downtown in both directions. For example: